Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said the government would work tirelessly for Bangaru Telangana and towards achieving the goal of prosperous State as dreamt by Telangana ideologue late professor Jayashankar.
Recalling the services rendered by professor Jayashankar on the occasion of his birth anniversary on Friday, the Chief Minister said Jayashankar, who sacrificed his life for the cause of separate Telangana, will remain in the hearts of people forever.
The Chief Minister said in a phased manner the Telangana Government was fulfilling all the aspirations of professor Jayashankar, especially the integrated
development of weaker sections.
In seven years, the State government has been developing various basic sectors such as irrigation, agriculture and others, he said. In the same spirit, the Chief Minister said, Telangana government was continuing its progress towards welfare and development of all people.
Right from Mission Kakatiya to Kaleshwaram project and from Rythu Bandhu to Dalit Bandhu, several innovative schemes were being implemented, he said. All efforts will be made to ensure socio-economic development and make the Dalit Bahujan community live with self-respect, he added.