Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Wednesday said the State government’s policy and objective was development of every community and caste in the State. Unlike other political parties, the TRS government was not interested in vote bank politics and worked with the sole aim of people’s welfare and the State’s development, he asserted.

Speaking after his meeting with representatives of the Telangana State Kuruma Sangham at Pragathi Bhavan here, the Chief Minister said the State government had decided to take up subsidised sheep distribution scheme immediately after coming to power for a second consecutive term.

“There were no elections when we decided to launch the first phase of sheep distribution during our first tenure or take up second phase of sheep distribution during the second term. Our motto is development of all sections of people in the State and the schemes were designed in a manner that they would last for a long time,” he said.

He pointed out that Telangana, which used to reverberate with songs on barren lands in the region before State formation, had now transformed into lush green agriculture fields everywhere.

Announcing that the government intended to construct sheds as shelter for the sheep distributed under the scheme,

Chandrashekhar Rao said mobile veterinary clinics were deployed across the State, a first of its kind initiative in the country. “The State has become number one in sheep population in the country.

The State government is working with commitment for the progress and development of the artisan communities and it will continue to do so despite obstacles and with more vigour,” he added.

The Telangana State Kuruma Sangham thanked the Chief Minister for approving the second phase of sheep distribution scheme with Rs 6,000 crore budget outlay and increasing the unit price to Rs 1.75 lakh. The representatives of the Sangham said while successive governments in undivided Andhra Pradesh had done nothing for the Golla and Kuruma community after accepting their gifts of blanket and lamb, Chandrashekhar Rao had given them sheep to eke out their livelihood with dignity. They said Chandrashekhar Rao was the only Chief Minister in the country who thought of the Golla-Kuruma community and was working for their welfare and development.

Telangana State Kuruma Sangham president and MLA Egge Mallesam, general secretary Bandaru Narayana, along with other representatives K Narsimha, Arun Kumar, Nagesh, and Prakash called on the Chief Minister.

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