Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy on Monday finalised two layouts for the development of the proposed agricultural market at Koheda, which will be submitted to Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao for his approval. Once completed, the Koheda market will be one of the largest in Asia.
The Marketing Department plans to develop the market in 178 acres, with sheds in 41.57 acres, commission agent stores in 39.7 acres, cold storage units in 19.71 acres, roads in 45 acres and parking in 24.44 acres. The entire market will be developed at a cost of over Rs 400
Tenders were submitted by Gurugram-based Voyants Solutions Private Limited for the master layout, engineering designs and preparation of the estimates. A team of officials led by Minister Niranjan Reddy examined various designs submitted by the company and suggested several changes. After examining the final layouts, he selected two which will be submitted to the Chief Minister for approval.
Principal Secretary for Agriculture M Raghunandan Rao, Special Commissioner Hanmanthu and other officials were present.