Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao will inaugurate the Palamuru-Rangareddy lift irrigation scheme on September 16. He gave a call to people from the unified Mahbubnagar and Rangareddy districts to join in the celebrations. The Chief Minister, who said that the state had to overcome several hurdles to get the project going, said a public meeting will be held after he switches on the pumps at the Narlapur pump house marking the start of the PRLIS’ project.

Rao on Wednesday held an exhaustive review of the project with some of his Cabinet colleagues and senior officials at Pragathi Bhavan during which he said the irrigation project was neglected in the undivided Andhra Pradesh but it is now ready because of the hard work and dedication of the Telangana state government. The project will cater to drinking water and irrigation needs of southern districts, he said.

Rao called on people from the two districts to hold celebrations in every village on

September 17. This is a historic occasion marking the realization of a dream that was for decades in the making. There should be processions and other celebrations in every village on that day, he said.

Following a consensus at the meeting, the Chief Minister said the state government will organise transport for people from all the villages in the two districts to attend the public meeting.

He urged sarpanches to bring vessels in which they should carry Krishna river waters back to their villages and use the water for ‘abhishekams’ in their local temples.

He also directed officials to take up works related to canals for the project and begin the land acquisition process for the same.

After switching on the ‘Bahubali pumps’ at the Narlapur pump house, the Chief Minister will go to the Narlapur reservoir and offer prayers, and later address a public meeting.

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