Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao will launch the 15-day Swathantra Bharatha Vajrotsavalu at HICC, Madhapur, on Monday to kick-start different events and programmes that are being organised across the State as part of celebrating 75 years of India’s Independence in a grand manner.
The celebrations are being conducted to create awareness among the people, particularly youth, about the sacrifices made during the freedom struggle. A Special Assembly session will be held on August 21 to commemorate India’s 75 years of Independence.
To conduct the events and programmes in a befitting manner, the State government has constituted a special committee with Rajya Sabha MP K Keshava Rao as its Chairman.
As part of the celebrations, a film festival would be organized to recall the struggles and sacrifices of the freedom fighters. The celebrations would be conducted till August 22 and a huge rally is also planned at Necklace Road in the
Over 1.20 crore national flags would be distributed free of cost throughout the State. The national flag should be hoisted at every household on Independence Day. This apart, the movie “Gandhi” will be screened in 563 theatres across the State and it would be viewed by 35 lakh students.
In addition to these programmes, Kavi Sammelanams, Mushairahs and rallies would also be conducted in district headquarters during the 15-day celebrations.
Meanwhile, Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar, DGP P Mahender Reddy and other senior officials on Sunday inspected the arrangements at HICC for the inaugural ceremony of the Swathantra Bharatha Vajrotsavalu.
The Chief Minister will unfurl the tricolour and launch the celebrations. There will be cultural programmes followed by the Chief Minister’s speech. Elaborate arrangements are in place for the inaugural ceremony, the Chief Secretary said.