Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao will lay the foundation stone for the much-awaited Karne Thanda Lift Irrigation Scheme (LIS), the proposed medical and nursing colleges in Wanaparthy district on December 19. He will also participate in various development programmes including the inauguration of the newly-constructed Integrated District Collectorate Complex, double bedroom houses and a market yard at Chityala among others.
The Karne Thanda LIS will be taken up with an expenditure of Rs 76.19 crore to provide irrigation water to the tribal hamlets located in higher altitudes. The Chief Minister will also inaugurate the Yedula reservoir constructed with a storage capacity of 7 TMC within 22
Speaking at a preparatory meeting for making arrangements ahead of the Chief Minister’s visit on Wednesday, Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy thanked farmers and leaders of all political parties in Wanaparthy district for cooperating with the State government in the execution of the project.
Chandrashekhar Rao will also lay foundation stones for the groundnut research centre, sheep reproduction centre and the offices of sub-registrar as well as Chief Engineer of Irrigation Department, during his visit. District Collector Shaik Yasmeen Basha, Marketing director Laxmibai and other officials were present.