Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Monday urged officials to design the revenue portal, Dharani, in a manner that would ensure transparency in the maintenance of revenue records in the State. “The portal is a part of the first of its kind revolutionary reforms undertaken by the State government,” he said.

The Chief Minister will review the design of Dharani on Tuesday at a high-level meeting in Pragathi Bhavan. All the officials concerned have been directed to bring comprehensive information with them.

The Integrated Land Records Management System or Dharani portal will be activated soon for the general public to access data pertaining to land records of the entire State. The registration process will be carried out digitally by the offices of the Sub-Registrar or the Mandal Revenue Officer (MRO) and citizens need to visit the office only once that too through prior appointment.

The new Act, besides abolishing the Village Revenue Officers system, empowers the MROs to carry out duties of Sub-Registrars for registration and mutation of agricultural lands. Similarly, Sub-Registrars are now empowered to carry out registration and mutation of non-agricultural properties. People can visit either the MRO or the Sub-Registrar offices based on their property type upon

booking a time slot and then paying the charges in advance.

The land rates for the entire State will be fixed and available in the portal. The entire registration process will be completed after submitting necessary documents. Land records will be updated accordingly on real-time basis and the MROs will have no discretionary powers whatsoever. The portal will allow anyone to check land details of the State from any part of the country. Telangana holds 2.75 lakh acres of land and one can view and download the details of any part of that land. The portal also provides encumbrance details of the land and the citizen need not apply for it separately.

The State government intends to establish and manage Dharani as a single source of truth for all land parcels and discharge all land related functions in an integrated, efficient and effective manner with all actions on a near real time basis. Dharani will also offer a GIS system which provides visual representation of the land record data. The government will also take up a digital survey of the lands in the State soon.

The land transaction information such as buying, selling, mortgage will be informed to the stakeholders on a real time basis on the lines of core banking solution used by banks.

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