Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao underwent a CT scan and other medical tests as part of general health check-up at Yashoda Hospitals in Somajiguda on Wednesday. The tests were performed under the supervision of the Chief Minister’s personal physician Dr M V Rao. The doctors who conducted the tests said the health condition of the Chief Minister was stable and he will recover within a short period.
The Chief Minister tested positive for Covid-19 two days ago with mild symptoms and has been in isolation at his farmhouse in Erravelli of Siddipet
district. A team of doctors is monitoring his health condition round-the-clock.
As per the doctors’ advice, Chandrashekhar Rao underwent CT scan and other tests following which the doctors confirmed that his lungs were normal and there was no infection. The doctors also collected his blood samples for routine blood tests and the results are expected on Thursday. The Chief Minister was accompanied by his son and Minister KT Rama Rao, Rajya Sabha MP J Santosh Kumar and other family members.