Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao’s announcement of filling 80,039 job vacancies in the State was not just a ‘Koluvula Jatara’ (Job fair) but a ‘Koluvula Kumbhmela’ (Job Khumb), Industries Minister KT Rama Rao said on Thursday to drive home the point about the magnitude of the decision.
Thanking the Chief Minister for the announcement, Rama Rao said that not a single Chief Minister including those in undivided Andhra Pradesh came up with such an announcement that included district-wise vacancies.
Taking strong exception to the opposition leaders’ comments that they don’t believe in the announcement, Rama Rao, participating in the general discussion on the budget in the State Assembly, said the Chief Minister made the
announcement in the State Assembly and not in a public meeting.
“Those who strongly believe in it can start preparation and those who don’t trust can wait,” he said, and put up a poser to the BJP leaders on the promise of two crore jobs every year.
When two TRS MLAs including Shanampudi Saidireddy informed the House that they had decided to start coaching classes for students, Rama Rao advised all the ruling party members to start similar classes for candidates in their respective areas.
“If necessary, the State government is also ready to conduct classes to coach the youth. We also request the Congress members to take up similar initiative and help the candidates,” he added.