Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has reportedly urged Tollywood bigwigs to come up with a wishlist to resolve their long pending woes. “He urged the filmmakers to list out their requests and also come up with appropriate solutions for the same to resolve their woes at the earliest,” says an industry source and adds, “We are preparing a wishlist with 8 to 10 points and trade body heads would be meeting the Chief Minister soon.”

Sunil Narang, president of Telangana Film Chamber of Commerce said, “Primarily, we are going to request a single window clearance for permission to shoot at government spots because we are running from pillar to post for permission these days. If the government introduces a single window system like in other states, then producers would heave a sigh of relief. It is a win-win situation for both govt and filmmakers since govt could earn good money, while producers will have hassle-free shootings in Telangana state.”

Whereas, theatre owners are seeking 5-year

permission for fire inspection over the existing 3 years and also seeking single-window clearance for theatre woes. “Right now, theatre owners have to approach eight departments like Municipality, R&B and Sanitation and others for maintenance of theatres. If the government introduced a single window for the same, it would benefit 450-odd theatres in Telangana state," the source points out. 

Industry sources also claim that producers, exhibitors, and distributors have been craving for industry status for the Telugu film industry for quite a long time, "Industry status could fetch us bank loans at lower interest and power charges would be cut to Rs 3 per unit from Rs 7,” says a source. 

During the pandemic, single theatres were run for almost two years with negligible footfalls but they were asked to pay Rs 20,000 to 40,000 per theatre and its reduction or exemption will also be included in the wish list. 

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