Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy on Saturday said that those who were obstructing the Metro Rail expansion into the Old City would be externed, even as he unveiled the contours of the ‘2050 Vibrant Telangana master plan’ which would cover all areas within the Outer Ring Road. Without taking names, Revanth Reddy said that a politician had suggested to the Centre to stop the Metro Rail expansion in the Old City.
He was speaking at events at Uppal and LB Nagar after inaugurating the second level flyover at Bairamalguda junction and two sewerage treatment plants. Revanth Reddy said that he and MIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi had laid the foundation stone of the Metro Rail expansion in Chandrayangutta on Friday to develop the city, but a politician whose intention is to dent the city's growth had asked the Centre to halt the project.
“When you are unable to execute the project, don’t create hurdles when someone else is doing it,” he said. Since he was speaking at a government programme, he was not speaking more about it, he said. On the 2050 Vibrant Telangana master plan, Revanth Reddy said that the municipal corporations and municipalities within the Outer Ring Road (ORR) will be merged. “Tenders have been invited, international consultants have been roped in, and the master plan will be handed over to us soon,” the Chief Minister said.
Following this, suggestions will be taken from people after widely publicising the
master plan. The state government's plan was to make Hyderabad to the best city for the next 100 years, he said. Revanth Reddy said that in the new Greater Hyderabad, all sides of the city would witness undergo equal growth resulting in IT and pharma companies surfacing in all corners. “ An action plan is being prepared accordingly,” he said.
He said that radial roads would be built to connect the ORR and the 354-km Regional Ring Road (RRR). “The area between RRR till the state borders will a Rural Telangana model,” he said. Speaking about the Musi river development, Revanth Reddy said that a 55-km stretch within the ORR will be developed on par with international standards with an investment of up to `50,000 crore. Over 50,000 acres that are adversely affected due to the polluted water in the Musi river would be revived. At the events held in LB Nagar and Uppal,
BRS MLAs sought developmental works to which Revanth reddy responded positively and instructed the officials to take up the works immediately. He said that the state government would act with iron fist against the those who try to encroach on government land. He said he was aware of the problems as he had served as MP from Malkajgiri, and these would be resolved soon. At the LB Nagar programme, he said that he shared a special bond with the people and many of his relatives stay in the Assembly segment.