Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy unveiled the state's official anthem ‘Jaya Jaya He Telangana’ during the first Congress government celebrations to mark the tenth State Formation Day at Parade Ground in Secunderabad on Sunday. The event saw the participation of Cabinet ministers, MLAs, MLCs, chairpersons of corporations and senior officials. When the official song was being played for the first time at an official event, its lyricist Ande Sri and composer Keeravani, who were present at the ceremony, broke down.

The song has two versions, one running 13:30 minutes and another of 2:30 minutes, which was played on the occasion. All government events and important occasions will be marked by the rendition of the shorter version. Ande Sri, who penned this song 20 years back, was seen raising his hand in jubilation and chanting 'Jai Telangana' in chorus. Addressing the athering, Revanth Reddy said, "Alas, we did not have a Telangana song even after ten years of formation of Telangana state. 

We had hoped that ‘Jaya Jaya He Telangana’, which ignited the movement, would be the state song at

the time of the state’s formation. We believed that this song, written by eminent poet Ande Sri, best fits as the state song. As per the wishes of the people, we are proudly announcing that this song is the official song of Telangana state from today. This is the first step towards cultural renaissance."

He said that culture was the identity of any race or community. It is the responsibility of governments to protect that culture’s uniqueness. "Our culture and history is rich. From Bonam to Bathukamma and from armed struggle to statehood movement; from Sammakka Saralamma to Jogulamba, and from Bhadradri Lord Sitarama to Komuram Bheem, Telangana has a rich historical heritage and not to forget the sacrifices of martyrs and rights movements. This culture and history should be revived," he noted. He said the Congress government will also make changes to the state's official emblem and Telangana Talli after consulting all stakeholders. "These decisions are not against anyone but only to reflect the aspirations of the Telangana community," the Chief Minister said.

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