BRS working president KT Rama Rao on Monday said the Congress in Telangana, was in the hands of a person who was earlier caught in the ‘cash for note’ case, with the same person now selling seats at prices ranging from Rs 25 crore to Rs 40 crore. He was selling seats today, and tomorrow would sell Telangana itself if he came to power.

Coming down heavily on the Congress for never keeping its promises, Rama Rao said Congress leader Komatireddy Venkat Reddy, who worked as the IT Minister in the Congress government did not do anything for Nalgonda. Let alone an IT company, he could not even get a computer for anyone here, he said while addressing a gathering at Suryapet after inaugurating the IT Tower there.

Strongly countering the criticism of opposition parties against the BRS, he said the Congress, whose warranty had expired 100 years ago, was making guarantees that would not be believed by the people of the


The Minister, who also laid the foundation stone for development works worth Rs.350 crore, Rama Rao said the Congress party was formed 150 years ago and its warranty had expired 100 years ago. Congress had no existence in the State and therefore there was no value for guarantees it gave, he said.

Responding to the challenge of Komatireddy Venkat Reddy that he would quit politics if the BRS could prove that 24 hours of free power was being supplied, Rama Rao said the government would provide a bus to Congress leaders to visit the place and time of their choise and test whether electricity was being supplied by touching the live wire. The Congress could supply electricity to agriculture sector even for six hours, he said, daring Venkat Reddy to contest from Suryapet constituency and retain his deposit.

Energy Minister G Jagadish Reddy, Rajya Sabha member Badugula Lingaiah Yadav and MLAs from the district were present.
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