The health department in Telangana State continues to remain passive, unable to address the issue of chronic delays in releasing salaries to 4000 contract and outsourcing staff in health care facilities that come under Telangana Vaidya Vidhan Parishad (TVVP). Contract and outsourcing employees in various health departments form the backbone of Government health care facilities in Telangana State. And yet, contract workers under National Health Mission (NHM), TVVP, Director of Medical Education (DME),
frequently suffer from delayed release of salaries in Telangana State.
“Last September/October, we launched massive protests because of pending salaries. Now, just after three months, the situation is the same. How can bed-side caregivers in Government hospitals, who already have limited pay scales, be expected to discharge their duties efficiently without salaries for three months? This is inhuman,” says M Narasimha, president, Telangana Contract and Outsourcing Employees Union.