Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao will unfurl the national flag on State Formation Day – June 2 – at Public Gardens and later pay tributes to the Telangana Martyrs at Gun Park.
Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar, who held a meeting with senior officials on arrangements here on Friday, instructed the Police department to make necessary security and traffic arrangements from May 27 to June 2.
Instructions were issued to Roads and Buildings department to set up barricades, security lighting and shades. Similarly, Information and Public Relations department was directed to install public address system and LED screens at the venue.
Officials were directed to ensure supply of drinking
water, provision of uninterrupted power supply and arrangement of ORS packets. The Cultural department will organise a Kavi Sammelan at Ravindra Bharathi in the evening, the Chief Secretary said.
Meanwhile, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi visiting Hyderabad on May 26, the Chief Secretary directed the officials to make elaborate arrangements. Reviewing the arrangements for the Prime Minister’s visit, the Chief Secretary said the Prime Minister will participate in a programme organised by the Indian School of Business.
He directed the officials to follow the arrangement procedures as per protocol with effective coordination among all the departments.