The Cyberabad Police is gearing up to ensure a peaceful Ganesh festival, with Cyberabad Police Commissioner M Stephen Raveendra on Thursday asking officials to ensure incident-free celebrations and at the same time, to keep an eye on trouble-mongers on social media.
The Commissioner, who held a coordination meeting with senior police officials and representatives of various government departments with regard to security arrangements for the festival starting from August 31 and the immersion to take place on September 9, said the celebrations should be conducted without any untoward incident anywhere.
“The Ganesh festival,
one of the big festivals, should be conducted incident free and in a grand manner. At places where Ganesh idols are being installed, the local Station House Officers should meet the pandal organisers in advance and review the arrangements,” he said, asking officials to see that everything went according to plan, starting from the idol installation up to the immersion, without any mistakes.
Suggesting coordination with civil departments in respective areas, the Commissioner also asked people not to believe rumors on social media. Officials were asked to keep an eye on trouble-mongers on social media too.