The Cyberabad Police have booked over nine lakh cases against lockdown violators until now. Officials said due to the reduction of vehicular movement, citizens were actively cooperating with the traffic personnel by abiding traffic rules and described it as a healthy sign in spreading awareness on road safety.

According to the traffic police, 20,591 vehicles were seized since the lockdown was imposed of which 16,000 were two-wheelers, 1,401 three-wheelers, 2,246 four-wheelers and 144 other vehicles.

Special drives round the clock were being conducted and cases booked against those violating lockdown rules. The traffic police booked a

total of (contact and non-contact) 9,15,182 cases against motorists for various violations.

Meanwhile, Traffic DCP SM Vijay Kumar said the police were seeking to create awareness among public on the lockdown rules on social media and using traffic volunteers at various checkpoints. “We noticed most of the two-wheeler riders and pillion riders were not wearing helmets in the city. We already started a campaign to stress the importance of wearing helmets while riding two-wheelers by both the riders,” he said. The traffic police are also gifting a bottle of sanitiser to those wearing standard helmets.

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