The Cyberabad Police booked a case against YSRCP rebel MP from Narsapuram K Raghurama Krishna Raju, his son and staff in connection with the assault of an Andhra Pradesh Intelligence Wing constable, Sheik Farooq Basha, who was allegedly beaten up severely by the security personnel of the MP at Madhapur on Monday.
Police said security personnel including Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) officials, his son Bharath, PA Shastry and followers of the MP saw Basha, who was on spotter duty at
some distance from the MP’s residence in Madhapur and allegedly thrashed him.
They reportedly snatched his belongings, bundled him into a vehicle and took him to a house, where he was allegedly thrashed again.
The intelligence constable alleged that the CPRF jawans did not hear though he said that he was from the AP Intelligence department and detained him. Following complaints, the police registered cases against both the parties and began investigating the incident.