In a move to ensure a safe and easy travel, the Cyberabad Police have launched ‘My Transport is Safe’ app on Friday. Cyberabad DCP (Traffic) T.Srinivasa Rao said special stickers were designed for private buses, construction vehicles and school buses and heavy vehicles plying during no-entry hours.
In view of traffic congestion and safety of citizens, special QR code stickers have been created for private transport vehicles through the application “My
Transport Is Safe”. These stickers are given to vehicles with special permission during no-entry times.
Heavy vehicles are not allowed in Cyberabad between 7.30 am to 11.30 pm and 4 pm to 10.30 pm. “Vehicles taking permission will be given stickers with QR code. All the details related to the vehicle like validity, route and other important details are included in the QR code on this sticker,” the DCP said.