Following a petition filed by Akash Kumar stating that he was charged Rs 3.50 by DMart for a carry bag after he made purchases worth Rs 602 in May 2019, the commission asked the retail chain to pay Rs 1,000 compensation to the consumer and return Rs 3.5 it had collected from him.
It further gave the direction that no payment is required for the supply of a carry bag.
Earlier, the petitioner argued that since the bag had the logo of D Mart, it was not fair to
charge for the carry bag.
The time for compliance is 45 days and if the business fails to comply with court orders they would be liable to pay an interest of 18 per cent.
This is not the first time D Mart has been fined for charging for carry bags. In August this year, the commission directed the outlet at Hyderguda to pay Rs. 50,000 as a penalty to the consumer welfare fund, apart from compensation to the complainant, for charging extra money for carry bags.