Finance Minister T Harish Rao has made it clear that government would not take back Rs 10 lakh amount deposited in the bank accounts of beneficiaries under Dalit Bandhu scheme. Once deposited, there was no question of taking the amount back by the government. The amount would be utilized to provide employment opportunities to dalits by encouraging the beneficiaries to go for self-employment schemes. Each family could set up up to four units with Rs 10 lakh, he said.
Harish Rao along with other ministers Koppula Eashwar and Gangula Kamalakar conducted a review meeting on Dalit Bandhu scheme with Collector RV Karnan, cluster officers and bankers at collectorate conference hall here on Monday.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister informed that every dalit family having ration cards would be provided Rs 10 lakh under Dalit Bandhu scheme and there was no need to worry about it. Moreover, the government employees, retired employees, all dalit aged below 65 years were eligible to get benefit under the scheme. Self-employment schemes would be established with the amount, he informed.
Harish Rao told bankers to ensure that there were no mistakes in opening bank accounts on the names of beneficiaries. Beneficiaries, who have not received the amount so far,
would get the amount within three days. Rs 10 lakh dalit bandhu amount would be kept in banks till units were set up by beneficiaries. Banks would pay interest to beneficiaries for that period.
Minister also instructed bankers to establish help desk in their respective banks to provide information and educate beneficiaries about utilization of Dalit Bandhu amount. He wanted the bankers to send messages to beneficiaries after depositing the amount in formers’ bank accounts.
Harish Rao instructed officials to tour seven mandal of Huzurabad constituency on Tuesday and collect the details of beneficiaries who have not got the amount so far and take steps to deposit the amount and cross check the details.
Ration cards details of beneficiaries, who do not have ration cards, would be enquired including where the card were laying, with the help of Aadhar card, he instructed and wanted officials to create awareness among beneficiaries that the scheme would be implemented across the state. Informing to organize teleconferences with beneficiaries of seven mandals on Thursday, Harish Rao said that he, Welfare Minister, Collectors of Karimangar and Hanamkonda and cluster officers would take part.