Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Tuesday said about two lakh families will benefit from Dalit Bandhu scheme every year commencing next financial year. He reiterated that all the business ventures proposed by the 40,000 beneficiaries selected under the scheme for the current fiscal will be grounded before March end. “This is the world’s largest direct fund transfer scheme. All the Ministers and legislators should play a vital role in grounding the ventures to ensure the success of the scheme,” he said.
He also promised of similar support to tribals for their socio-economic empowerment in a phased manner. The government will soon release orders to address the Podu lands issue for the benefit of tribal farmers, he informed. The officials have also been instructed to ensure that there is no delay in promotion of SC and ST employees in various departments.
Responding to requests from legislators in the State Assembly here, the Chief Minister said vacancies pertaining to minorities in various corporations as well as TSPSC (Telangana State
Public Service Commission) will be filled. He directed Health Minister T Harish Rao to facilitate reconstruction of Osmania Hospital in accordance with the Heritage norms.
He also instructed Home Minister Mohd Mahmood Ali to personally look into the release of pending funds to take up repair and renovation of dargahs. Chandrashekhar Rao said a committee had been constituted to prevent encroachment of endowment lands and the government will initiate action soon after receiving its report. He promised to take a positive decision to compensate the losses suffered by farmers due to unseasonal rains recently.
He also said the house sites issue pertaining to legislators, employees and journalists, was pending in the Supreme Court and assured to personally take up the issue with the relevant authorities to find a permanent solution.
He announced that the Central Water Commission approved the proposals for construction of the Chinna Kaleshwaram project in Manthani constituency.