Defence Minister Rajnath Singh reviewed the progress made by the Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL), with its senior officials in Hyderabad yesterday. BDL Chairman and Managing Director, Commodore Siddharth Mishra apprised the Minister about the progress of various ongoing projects of the Company.
The BDL currently has orders in hand of over 11 thousand crore rupees including the Konkurs-M contract signed earlier this month.
The Company is expecting more orders in the coming days. The Research and Development
Division is also leveraging on emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence to develop state-of-the-art weapons for the Armed Forces.
The senior officials also briefed the Defence Minister about initiatives being taken by the Company towards achieving Atmanirbharta in Defence. Mr Singh also visited the Statue of Equality of Sri Ramanujacharya. He also participated in various programmes being held as part of the Sahasrabdi factitial of Sri Ramanujacharya at Muchintal near Hyderabad.