The Telangana Finance Minister Harish Rao said that Dengue will be treated in Telangana under the Aarogyasri scheme. “Instructions shall be issued soon to the private and corporate hospitals in this regard,” Rao said.
Rao added that action shall be taken against the private hospitals for refusing to treat Dengue patients under the Aarogyasri scheme for overcharging.
Speaking in the Telangana state assembly during the question answer session the Finance Minister issued orders for improvement in treatment facilities in Nilofer and Fever hospitals and instructed the health officials to
visit these hospitals.
Harish Rao instructed the Director of medical education and the Director of Public health to undertake a visit to the Nilofer and Fever hospitals within two days to review their preparedness to face the viral disease challenges.
Rao admitted that there is a gradual increase in dengue cases in the City during the current year.
“The private hospitals are mandated to treat the dengue patients under the Aarogyasri scheme and they will not be allowed to overcharge the patients,” Rao said.