Health Minister, T Harish Rao on Friday urged people of Telangana not to be negligent just because reports have indicated that the Covid-19 infections due to Omicron variant could be less severe.
Inaugurating a 100-bed additional ward at Vanasthalipuram Area Hospital on Friday, Harish Rao said the Omicron variant is highly transmissible and there is still a significant population which is yet to get two doses of Covid vaccine.
“I urge people not to take Omicron lightly. Individuals who have missed out must get fully vaccinated at the earliest and take extreme precautions from the highly transmissible Omicron variant. Wearing good fitting masks is mandatory and do your best to avoid attending large gatherings like
marriages and other social functions,” he said.
As part of preparing for the third Covid wave due to the Omicron variant, 100 additional beds will be added at the Vanasthalipuram Area Hospital. On Friday, the Minister also inaugurated one Oxygen generation plant and 10 ICU beds at the Area Hospital.
“In the coming weeks, we are adding another 1600 beds across various government hospitals in Hyderabad. A total of 100 beds each will be added in six government hospitals in Hyderabad, which will add to the existing facilities. We have also procured 25 lakh home isolation kits, which are expected to go a long way in fighting the third wave,” Harish Rao said.