Health Minister Eatala Rajender on Thursday said the stormwater drain from Begum Bazaar to River Musi, which passes underneath the Osmania General Hospital, had got blocked, resulting in overflowing of the drain and consequently, flooding of rainwater into the hospital. The Minister issued a press note, after he was briefed by Director of Medical Education Ramesh Reddy and TSMIDC Chief Engineer Laxma Reddy, who inspected the hospital earlier in the day.

The Minister said the block in the drain was cleared with the help of the Disaster Response Force and that a permanent solution was being worked out to avoid such incidents. Over 200 beds were arranged in the Quli Qutb Shahi building and the patients were shifted there.

The Minister

also said that despite the medical staff extending quality treatment to the patients, the mudslinging and allegations by opposition parties were affecting the morale of the staff. Recalling that the State was committed and prepared to construct a new hospital by demolishing the existing structure, the Minister said the move was opposed by the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Congress and the MIM in the State Assembly. Considering the objections, the government was left with no choice but to keep the plan on hold temporarily, he said.

However, repairs were taken up at the hospital and after five years now, a portion of the slabs were caving in, besides overflowing rainwater entering the hospital, he said.

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