In Telangana, Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) working president K Tarakarama Rao has been questioned for more than seven hours by the officials of the Enforcement Directorate into his role in the alleged financial irregularities in the Formula-E Race case. After coming out of the ED office, Mr Rao revealed to the media that he provided all the information regarding the fresh deal for Season 10 of the Formula-E race and the transfer of funds to UK-based Formula-E Operations.
He reiterated his innocence and expressed his willingness to undergo a lie-detector test, challenging
Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy to do the same. Mr Rao also reportedly brought to ED’s notice that several Union Ministers, including Hardeep Singh Puri, Nitin Gadkari, Anurag Thakur, and Kishan Reddy, also attended the event, reflecting its national significance.
He also reportedly clarified that there were no financial irregularities, misappropriation, or corruption involved in the entire process and all funds transferred from the government to the Formula-E organisers were accounted for, with clear records.