The Task Force (South) along with the Falaknuma police and Child Welfare officials raided a bag and automobile seat cover making unit at Fathima Nagar in Falaknuma and rescued eight children from child labour on Friday.
The owner of the manufacturing unit, Shaik Taufeeq (32), a resident of Fathima Nagar in Falaknuma was arrested.
According to the police, the children, all natives of Bihar were aged in early and mid-teen and were trafficked from poor families by promising them good jobs and offering huge money to
their parents.
“They were forced to work in the manufacturing unit for long hours. They were kept under unhygienic conditions resulting in health issues to them. The children were not even provided good food and were treated as bonded labourers,” police said.
Following a tip-off, the officials raided the premises and rescued them. They were handed over to Child Welfare officials while the suspect was handed over to the Falaknuma police for further action.