Karimnagar: With the rising financial problems, a couple committed suicide in Ashoknagar of Karimnagar town. Narla Venkatesham (58) and Sujatha (50) were found hanging from iron rods of a slab beside their home when other family members woke up on Saturday morning. According to police, Venkatesham and Sujatha, who slept after having dinner on Friday night, found hanging in the morning.
Venkatesham, who is running a kirana store in the market, was not getting profits due
to Covid pandemic subsequently the family entered into financial troubles. Moreover, Srikanth, son of the couple, who used to work as software engineer in Maharastra, lost job due to Covid pandemic. Srikanth along with his family was also staying along with his parents in Karimangar.
The couple, who used to discuss their financial troubles frequently, took an extreme step. Knowing about the incident, police rushed to the spot and began investigation by registering the case.