Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Sunday directed the officials to expedite construction of distributory network of all irrigation projects on a war-footing to facilitate filling of village tanks on a priority basis once pumping of water starts from irrigation projects during the monsoon. He instructed them to make best use of latest technology like establishing river gauges and adopting best water management practices using real time data operating systems.

At a high-level meeting to discuss strategy for optimum utilisation of Godavari water during the monsoon, at Pragathi Bhavan here, the Chief Minister emphasised the need to fill all village tanks and ponds soon after releasing water from major irrigation projects during monsoon. He instructed the Ministers and the officials concerned to convene a meeting within next two to three days and identify any hurdles in this regard as well as make efforts to resolve them. He pointed out that tanks filled to their full capacity will improve groundwater levels and also cater to agricultural needs through borewells.

“Farmers must be encouraged to take fertile soil from tank beds to use it in their farm lands and improve land fertility. As it will help us in desiltation of tanks, the officials should not impose any restrictions,” he said.


Rao asserted that around 16.41 lakh acres should get irrigation water under Sri Ram Sagar Project (SRSP) during the upcoming monsoon. He directed the officials to constantly monitor the flood levels in Godavari river and fill SRSP with water from Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme. He wanted the Committee of Engineers-in-Chief to submit a report on feasibility of increasing the capacity of existing canals or constructing a parallel canal for supplying water from Lower Manair Dam to downstream areas.

Further, the officials were asked to complete works pertaining to the Kaleshwaram project to lift 3 tmc (from existing 2 tmc) water and commence pumping of water during the monsoon season itself. They were instructed to supply water from Thotapalli canal to 77,000 acres and supply water from Devadula project to tanks within the catchment area throughout the year.

Other works to be completed during monsoon include Gowarvelly Lift Scheme works and Sammakka Barrage works. Water will be pumped into Tapaspalli reservoir from Mallannasagar and then suppled to the mandals of Mothkuru, Addaguduru, Cheryala, Madduru, Komuravelli and Chilpur. The officials were directed to implement the relief and rehabilitation package of Yellampally project in Mukkatraopeta village of Jagitial district.

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