The Foot over Bridge (FoB) at Ferozguda, Balanagar, built with an amount of Rs. 3.25 crore by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) was inaugurated on Friday by Mayor G Vijaya Laxmi and Kukatpally MLA Madhavaram Krishna Rao.
The FoB is useful to people going to Ferozguda, Fatehnagar, Central Training Establishment (CTE) – Air India and MMTS Station,
“A total of 22 FoBs were taken up with an amount of Rs 76.65 crore. Among them, while the construction of seven FoBs has been completed, five such facilities have already been inaugurated which includes FoB at Ferozguda, Balanagar,” the Mayor said. The pedestrian-friendly facility inaugurated on Friday will help around 5,000 persons every day, she said.