TRS working president and IT Minister KT Rama Rao on Thursday said Telangana had lost a great leader in former Minister Mohammad Fareeduddin who served the people of the State in various capacities during his illustrious political career. “He was a humble man and always accessible to people,” he said.
Speaking to the media after paying last respects to Fareeduddin at Baga Reddy Stadium in Zaheerabad town, the TRS working president said they were shocked by the news of the sudden demise of Fareeduddin. He said Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao expressed shock on hearing the news. Following the directions of the Chief Minister, the funeral was held with State honours at Hothi (B)
village, the birthplace of Fareeduddin. Home Minister Mohammad Ali also paid last respects to Fareeduddin.
TRS workers and scores of his followers from across Sangareddy district thronged Baga Reddy stadium to pay respects. Several leaders, including MPs BB Patil, Kotha Prabhakar Reddy, MLC V Bhupal Reddy, MLC Farooq Hussain, MLAs M Padmadevendar Reddy, Chanti Kranthi Kiran, K Manik Rao, ZP Chairperson P Manjusri, Vanteru Prathap Reddy, Errolla Srinivas, Chintha Prabhakar and several others paid the last respects. Fareeduddin, who underwent liver surgery at the private hospital a week ago, died after suffering a heart stroke on Wednesday night.