The police on Monday booked Arvind alias Tillu, a son of former Secunderabad MP Anjan Kumar Yadav, and his associates on charges of attempted murder, besides rioting and trespassing, for allegedly assaulting the family of a businessman in the early hours.

Arvind and the businessman, Avulagadda Madhukar Yadav, are distant relatives, the Hussainialam police said.

Madhukar, the complainant in the case, told that around 3.30 am, Arvind and his associates, who were allegedly heavily drunk, picked up an argument with his father Prakash Yadav over the Bonalu festival.

He intervened and settled the matter, after which both parties compromised, but around 5 am, Arvind, his associates Gopal, Narsing,

Mohsin and others, entered the house with wooden sticks and bricks, broke the chairs placed in a tent in front of the house, and beat up his cousin, Mallesh Yadav, with sticks.

He said that when his mother Shobharani tried to stop them, they slapped her. Later, they attacked his brother Manohar Yadav and abused them in vulgar language, it was alleged.

"They came with an intention to kill and also threatened to see their end," Madhukar said.

In the complaint to the police, Madhukar said that he had also lost his gold chain, locket and rings during the attack. Hussainialam police SHO G. Naresh Kumar said the case is under investigation.

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