Gandhi Hospital Superintendent Dr M Raja Rao on Wednesday said there was no shortage of oxygen meant for critical Covid-19 patients and urged patients, relatives and the public not to unnecessarily panic over rumours related to healthcare services in the hospital.
Reacting to reports that the hospital had run out of oxygen supply, Dr. Rao said there was ample supply of medical gases to the hospital.
“These are just rumours and there is no oxygen shortage in Gandhi Hospital. The hospital has a huge gas tank, which was recently constructed, with a capacity of 20 kilo litres (KL), apart from smaller six KL gas tanks. These oxygen tanks are filled from time to time. All of us should also pray that our State
should not face oxygen shortage,” he said.
Dr Raja Rao said that critical Covid positive cases from across the State were getting admitted to Gandhi Hospital in large numbers. “Gandhi Hospital staff is working round the clock to serve the patients. We are all stretching beyond our capacities to serve and save patients for the last one year. We are hoping that the public understands our efforts to save the patients. Please do not pay heed to rumours, which ultimately erodes confidence among the patients towards our services,” he said.
Dr. Rao also warned the public that the second wave of Covid pandemic was severe and urged them to follow Covid appropriate behaviour.