A day after MA&UD Minister K T Rama Rao gave four days to the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) to clear accumulated garbage in the city, the civic body on Sunday deployed all its men and machinery for a special sanitation drive.
As many as 18,000 sanitary workers were engaged in collecting, lifting and transferring garbage from different parts of the city since morning. Right from the sanitary worker to deputy commissioner, the sanitation staff in all the 30 circles were involved in clearing garbage that had accumulated over last several days.
Garbage on the main thoroughfares and in colonies which was not attended for a long time was cleared with officials stating that the entire accumulated trash would be removed in next three days. The GHMC had engaged additional vehicles, dumpers and tippers in each zone for the purpose.
In Kukatpally zone, efforts were made for elimination of garbage vulnerable points
at bin points and making them clean and green with plantations. During an inspection, Zonal Commissioner, V Mamata requested citizens not to dump garbage and instead hand it over to Swachh autos.
As part of Covid-19 measures, the GHMC also formed 453 entomology teams and sprayed sodium hypo-chlorite in 636 locations across the city. On Sunday, these teams used 900 litres of sodium hypo-chlorite, 840 sprayers, seven jet machines, 63 fogging machines and 302 small fogging machines.
Authorities carried out spraying activities in over 16,000 residential areas and also took up fogging in the evening. In places which reported Covid-19 cases, spraying of sodium hypo-chlorite was done twice in the day.
On the directions of the Minister, zone and circle-wise emergency teams were formed and spraying was carried out at urban health centres, Basthi Dawakanas, religious places and other busy areas.