The GHMC’s annual budget of Rs 6,150 crore for the financial year 2022-23 was approved by the GHMC Council on Tuesday. Mayor G Vijaya Laxmi said the budget gave priority to the city’s development and infrastructure.
Meanwhile, GHMC Commissioner DS Lokesh Kumar said that in 2021-22, spending on maintenance works was Rs.1,806 crore with the works not including Comprehensive Road Maintenance Programme (CRMP) works to restore main roads, nalas etc. The Commissioner was replying to
questions posed by the Council members. He also said that a new cost-effective method was being adopted on a pilot basis to widen nalas.
The budget session saw corporators raise issues related to sanitation, nalas and lakes and illumination. Cutting across party lines, several corporators mentioned that there was a delay in execution of works by the Water Board. The Mayor said she would speak to HMWS&SB Managing director Dana Kishore.