With the State government deciding to promote eco-friendly idols for the Ganesh Chaturthi festival that starts on August 31, different line departments are preparing the ground to distribute over six lakh clay Ganesh idols in the city and will also construct additional 50 artificial ponds for idol immersion.
As part of these efforts, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) will distribute four lakh clay idols while Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) and the Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPSCB) will distribute one lakh idols each. Simultaneously, in addition to the existing 25 artificial ponds, the line departments will construct 50 more across the city to facilitate idol immersion.
announcements regarding these environmental conservation measures, which will be taken up for the Ganesh Chaturthi festival, were made by Minister for Animal Husbandry T Srinivas Yadav after holding a meeting here on Tuesday to discuss festival arrangements.
The meeting was attended by Home Minister, Mohammed Mahmood Ali, Mayor G Vijaya Laxmi, and others. In addition to arranging cranes, special illumination, and sanitation works to control vector-borne diseases, authorities will also roll out restoration and patchwork of roads along the idol immersion procession route. These are besides the special security arrangements that will include the deployment of police personnel including SHE Teams.