Ahead of Ganesh Chaturthi, the GHMC is also setting up artificial ponds in different parts of the city. The plan is to encourage people to immerse Ganesh idols in 74 artificial ponds, of which there are already 28, instead of immersion in lakes.
Of the 46 new ones, 24 will be portable ponds to be assembled soon in different parts of the city while 22 will be artificial ones, for which
excavation is underway. As for the existing 28 baby ponds, fresh water will be filled before the festival.
The baby ponds are located near like Hussain Sagar, Durgam Cheruvu, Malkam Cheruvu and Nallagandla Cheruvu. This year too, the civic body will deploy personnel to assist people during idol immersion at these ponds. They will remove the idols immediately after immersion.