In an open outburst against Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, former MP V Hanumanth Rao on Sunday alleged that Bhatti Vikramarka was opposing a ticket to him to contest from Khammam.
“It is not wise on Bhatti Vikramarka’s part to oppose my candidature from Khammam. It was me who supported his political growth after the demise of his brother Mallu Anantha Ramulu,” Hanumanth Rao said to media persons at New Delhi.
“The worst part is that till recently, Bhatti Vikramarka assured all support to me, but is now opposing my candidature. Despite being non-locals, former Chief Minister N Bhaskar Rao and former
union Minister Renuka Chowdhary contested from Khammam and were elected,” he said, adding that “deliberate attempts” were being made to project him as non-local.
Congress MP Rahul Gandhi was conducting the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra and demanding a caste census and priority to BC community. On the contrary, injustice was being meted out to a loyal and senior BC leader like him, the former MP said.
“I am hopeful that Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi will consider my candidature from Khammam and win the elections with thumping majority. If Rahul Gandhi contests from Khammam, I will strive for his victory,” Hanumanth Rao said.