Finance Minister T Harish Rao on Wednesday asked officials to further strengthen Dharani portal, a one-stop destination for agriculture land transactions, by introducing suitable modules after rectifying errors in land records.
Harish gave these instructions during a cabinet sub-committee chaired by him at BRKR Bhavan here. The other committee members Energy Minister G Jagadish Reddy, Roads and Buildings Minister Vemula Prashant Reddy and Education Minister P Sabitha Indra Reddy were also present.
More than 10 lakh transactions were carried out through the portal within one year after its launch. Harish, who is heading the committee, along with other members discussed in detail about necessary changes to be made while introducing more modules in the portal.
As many as 98,049 applications pertaining to lands in prohibited list were
received. Of them, 82,472 applications were disposed. Proper modules were included in the portal for convenience of the people. Since the people were facing problems because of lack of awareness on modules, a decision was taken to organize a training session for Mee Seva operators.
At the same time, the district Collector should give a power-point presentation on Dharani portal at zilla parishad and municipal council meetings to give information to all elected representatives. The committee members advised officials to establish help desks at the district Collectorate offices for giving information to people about the portal and also to help them in uploading relevant documents before carrying out a transaction.
They asked officials to prepare technical modules on various issues, which were discussed on Wednesday.