The Telangana government increased the life tax on some categories of motor vehicles on Monday. For the three or four-wheeler motor vehicles coming under the non-transport category, minibusses up to a seating capacity of 10, and new taxis and those from other states registering with the state due to change of address or transfer of ownership, life tax increased in such vehicles up to 13% of the vehicle value below Rs 5 lakh, 14% for value above Rs 5 lakh, 17% for above Rs 10 lakh and 18% for above Rs 20 lakh at the time of
new registration.
Regarding non-transport vehicles for carrying persons owned by companies, institutions, societies, and organizations up to a seating capacity of 10 in all and more personalized vehicles up to a seating capacity of 10 owned by an individual, life tax has been raised to 15% of vehicle’s value which are below Rs 5 lakh, 16% for those above Rs 5 lakh, 19% for the ones above Rs 10 lakh and 20% for those above Rs 20 lakh of the registration value.