Three persons died in rain related incidents in Telangana on Wednesday. In the first incident, two men, who were returning home after work on their motorbike during heavy rains that lashed the city late on Wednesday, met a tragic death after a wall collapsed and trapped them fatally underneath at Peerzadiguda.

The men, identified as Praveen and Mohan, were both glass-cutting workers and residents of Peerzadiguda, and were on their way from Uppal towards Medipally when the mishap occurred. According to the police, Praveen was riding the bike while Mohan was riding pillion.
When the duo reached Old Peerzadiguda, they slowed down due to the downpour. They were driving along the roadside when the compound wall of a place of worship suddenly collapsed and fell on them, trapping them beneath.

“We suspect that due to the heavy rain, the

wall had absorbed water and became weak. With heavy wind too, it collapsed. Both died on the spot,” police said.

The Medipally police have booked a case and are investigating while the bodies were shifted to the Gandhi Hospital morgue.

Meanwhile, a 38-year-old woman was washed away in a stream at Shapur thanda in Vikarabad district on Wednesday evening. Anitha, an agricultural labourer from Shapur thanda, was returning home after completing work in her agricultural land when the incident occurred, the police said.

Her husband and two children escaped in the incident. The police later fished out the body and handed it over to the family members. Heavy rains lashed many parts of Hyderabad on Wednesday paralysing normal life and causing traffic gridlocks at several stretches.

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