Election authorities on Wednesday allocated symbols to candidates contesting in the Huzurabad by-election. After 12 candidates dropped from the fray, 30 candidates were going to contest in the by-polls. With the names of the contesting candidates being finalised, the election authorities allocated symbols to them.
BJP candidate Eatala Rajender, TRS aspirant Gellu Srinivas Yadav and Congress candidate Balmuri Venkata Narsinga Rao were allocated Lotus, Car and Hand respectively.
Seven registered political parties’ candidates were allocated Batsman, Pen Nib with Seven Rays, Computer, Glass Tumblers, Cup Saucer, Road Roller and Chapati Roller.
Symbols such as Helicopter, Matchbox, Cauliflower, Gas Cylinder, Bat, Diamond, Frock, Pot, Whistle, Almirah, Camera, Scissors, Ring, Sewing Machine, Soap Dish, Television, Harmonium, Tiller, Bangles and Air Conditioner were allocated to 20 Independents.