Two doctors in Hyderabad's Madhapur have been charged with "causing hurt by rash and negligent acts" after the car they were in seriously injured four people trying to cross the road.
The person at the wheel was reportedly a Dr Nikhil Reddy, 26, who has six challans - five for speeding - against him. Dr Reddy's blood alcohol level was 116mg/100 ml, against the limit of 30mg/100ml.
Also in the car - a Kia Seltos - was a Dr
Akhil Reddy.
Both Nikhil Reddy and Akhil Reddy - who have only just graduated and are waiting to do their PG courses - have not been physically arrested, Circle Inspector Ravindra Prasad told media
The third doctor in the car was not drunk, police said.
The drivers of two cars involved were drunk; in one case, the driver's blood alcohol level was a staggering five times over the limit.