Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister KT Rama Rao on Friday inaugurated a Basthi Dawakhana in Shaikpet. He was accompanied by Jubilee Hills MLA Maganti Gopinath.
The one at Shaikpet was part of 32 Basthi Dawakhanas that were inaugurated on Friday.
While Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav inaugurated the facility located in Dhoolpet, Mayor G
Vijaya Laxmi along with Khairatabad MLA Danam Nagender inaugurated the Basthi Dawakhana near Mahabharat Community Hall, Khairatabad.
OPD consultation, tele-consultation, Basic Lab Diagnosis, treatment of simple illness and immunisation are the services offered in these clinics. These services are in addition to antenatal and postnatal care, family planning, screening for Anemia, BP and Blood Sugar.