Hyderabad: Around 30 per cent of the total urban population in Telangana state resides in the capital city of Hyderabad. People in the state reside predominantly in rural areas (61 per cent), but the urban population in the state grew by 38 per cent during the decade as against a growth of only 2 per cent in rural areas, according to the Telangana Social Development report 2017.
The population of the state grew by 13.6 per cent during the last decade against the national growth of 17.6 per cent.
Urban development in Telangana has led to growth of towns in the state, which increased in number from 82 to 158. almost 93per cent.
It may be noted that around 30 per cent of the total urban population resides in Hyderabad alone and the capital city also figures among the top 10 million-plus cities in terms of the highest number of slum households.
Only 46% per cent men are married
People in the state reside predominantly in rural areas (61 per cent), but the urban population in the state grew by 38 per cent during the decade as against a growth of only 2 per cent in rural areas, according to the Telangana Social Development report 2017.
The report said there has been a decline in the proportion of population in the age group of 0-4 and 5-9 across gender, location and social groups.
The numbers of the elderly in the total population (above 60 years) between two time periods in India and TS shows an increase of 7.4 per cent to 9.3 per cent. In 2011,
the increase in TS was more than in India. The number of elderly women was higher than men in both time periods.
This increase in elderly population has far-reaching implications for provision of support services, both healthcare and social security.
The disabled population in Telangana accounted for 3 per cent of the total population in the state in 2011, higher than the national average of 2.2 per cent, with a larger population residing in rural areas.
The sex ratio increased from 971 to 988 during the decade, with the lowest being reported in the more urbanised districts of Mahbubnagar (977), Ranga Reddy (961) and Hyderabad (954).
The child sex ratio 0-6 years declined from 957 to 933 during the decade. Hyderabad, Nalgonda, Warangal and Mahbubnagar are the four districts at the bottom four positions in terms of child sex ratio.
In the less than 18-year age group, the population of married women at the all India level in 2011 was 3.7 per cent, as against the 2.6 per cent in TS.
The more urbanised districts such as Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy reveal higher proportions of women married below the age of 18 years. The data relating to the categories currently married and widowed are seen together.
In the age group of 20-29 years, only 46 per cent males are currently married against 79 per cent females. However, in the 60-plus age group almost 87 per cent males are currently married while 47 per cent females were reported as currently married.