The traffic police of the tri commissionerates of Hyderabad, Cyberabad and Rachakonda booked around 3,000 cases of drunk driving on Sunday night. The Hyderabad Police booked 1,243 cases, Cyberabad 1,241 and Rachakonda booked 517 cases. The police booked 2,435 cases against two-wheeler riders for driving in inebriated condition while 493 cases were booked against four-wheeler drivers and the remaining 73 against three-wheelers.

Among those caught were two women and two transgenders.

The traffic police conducted checks at important stretches in the city and outskirts all through the night. Senior officials of the traffic police supervised the checks aimed at preventing road accidents during

New Year’s Eve. The traffic police officials said all those caught will have to appear before the court concerned and attend counselling at the Traffic Training Institutes in the city.

The highest number of cases booked in Cyberabad was at Miyapur traffic police station where the police caught 253 persons while in Hyderabad, Chandrayangutta traffic police station topped with 66 cases. In Rachakonda, Uppal traffic police station topped with 107 cases. A couple of instances of the violators misbehaving and abusing traffic police personnel during the drunk driving checking were reported. The traffic police personnel informed the local police who took into custody the persons and shifted them to the police station.
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