The Hyderabad police issued ‘show cause’ notice to the management of Sandhya theatre asking why ‘cinematography license’ issued to the theatre should not be cancelled.
The police cited the lapses that led to the stampede on December 4 night, during the premiere show of Pushpa – 2, movie.
The notice was issued to Renuka Devi, of Sandhya 70 mm theatre. A copy of the notice was pasted at the premises of the theatre as
In the two page notice, issued by the Hyderabad Commissioner of Police, C V Anand, the police pointed out to several alleged lapses including absence of women security personnel, no frisking and improper security arrangements by the management.
The police also pointed that the management allowed the fans to gather at the theatre and erect large flexi. The police asked the management to reply to the notice within ten days of receiving it.