The Hyderabad police have issued a traffic advisory for commuters in the city on Tuesday in view of counting of votes. The city police have said that there would be moderate traffic congestion on roads near counting centers and traffic will be diverted on a need basis. Traffic police have also appealed to the authorities coming for counting centers to park their vehicles at the parking places designated by the cops.

They have also requested the general public to take note of the counting places and co-operate with the police. Traffic diversions will be intimated through Hyderabad Traffic police Twitter, Facebook and Traffic Live app and FM


Counting Centres: 1. Av College, Domalguda 2. Nizam College, Basheerbagh 3. Raja Bahadur Venkatarama Reddy College, Narayanaguda 4.GHMC indoor stadium, Amberpet 5. OU College of Commerce & Business Management, Tarnaka
6. P.G Rami Reddy Centre for Distance Education 7. Koti Womens College, Koti 8. Kamala Nehru Polytechnic, Exhibition grounds 9. Sarijini Naidu Vanitha Maha Vidyalaya, Exhibition grounds 10. Govt Polytechnic College, Masab Tank 11. JNTU College of fine arts, Masak Tank 12. Aurora legal science academy, Bandlaguda 13. Kotla Vijayabhaskar Reddy Indoor stadium, Yousudguda 14. CSIIT, Wesley College Premises ground, Secunderabad

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