The Hyderabad City Police on Thursday organized a mega run as part of the Swatantra Bharata Vajrotsavalu celebrations from the Integrated Command and Control Centre to NTR Bhavan and back.
Home Minister Mohd Mahmood Ali, Cinematography Minister T Srinivas Yadav, DGP M Mahender Reddy, Hyderabad CP CV Anand and others participated in the run.
The run was flagged off by Home Minister Mahmood Ali. Hundreds of persons participated in the run which commenced from the
Integrated Command and Control Building.
In the old city, a ‘Freedom Run’ was organized from Falaknuma Palace to Charminar. Students and youngsters participated in huge numbers in the run. DCP (South) P Sai Chaitanya flagged off the run.
Several such events were organized at the local level by the city police across the city. A sapling plantation programme was also held at various police stations in the morning.